About Me

Let me tell you a few things...

Valentino Mu


My name is Valentino and I am a Junior Software Developer who specialises in Web Developement after a 12 weeks bootcamp course at CodeNation and Android Development. I am currently focusing my attention on Front-End Development and aspiring to be a Full-Stack Developer. This website contains information about me, my portfolio, stories, and ways to stay in touch or contact me.


Junior Web Developer

I gained experience to combine JavaScript, HTML and CSS together using Visual Studio Code to create web applications with a strong semantic structure, re-usable style components and custom interactive features to solve real world problems.


Fundamental skills

I have been picking up some design skills. I am skilled at using Adobe Photoshop, Acrobat and I pay attention to detail. I love photography and I have experience in teaching ECDL (Microsoft Office package).


Android Studio Skills

I graduated from Android Basic Nanodegree by Google via Udacity. I've armed with an eager-to-learn approach where I can deploy my excellent development skills to create new accessible and responsive apps